I was reading
with total amazement the comments (on a certain forum ) relating to the
suspects in the Boston bombing.
People call
for tolerance generally except when their minds become warped. Sadly, even
intelligent people are easily influenced by the media and few dare to question.
As to the facts, most disregard applying intellect, but rather every word
uttered, every letter printed and every visual shown is believed to its fullest
extent and beyond. Then it becomes time for the peanut gallery to comment and
speak without knowledge and due consideration for the views of others.
There is no
doubt, that whatever the circumstances, we cannot condone random violence and
it is tremendously hurtful that a Muslim might commit such a crime. Islam permits
acts of war and no Muslim will disagree on this. But war has rules of
engagement and that therefore cannot be compared to random acts of violence. The
further examples of acts of terror or violence in countries such as Syria and
Iraq cannot be equated without applying some understanding (the details are for
another time). But what is happening in the Middle East needs be understood for
what it is while the Boston bombing, being perpetrated by a Muslim is merely
Islam does
not condone random violence and war is never the first option. Those who claim
that Islam was spread by the sword have conveniently taken a view without having
any detail about such happenings. At the same time the carnage sewn by the
Crusaders are not mentioned.
The first
world war was started by which terrorist? The second war was started by which
terrorist? Were they Muslim by any chance? The raping of women and the humiliation
of men who were prisoners of war in the Iraq were perpetrated by whom? And one
can go on and on about acts that are and should be against our moral compass.
But amazing how easy it is to jump on the bandwagon on blame everything on
Muslims. Some Muslims have overstepped the line, but then to totally brand
Islam as the violent religion is more than a little off the mark.
Before I
conclude, just a comment on the laws of each country. You may be happy or even
ecstatic with the laws in your country. But the laws of another country are for
those living there. You don’t have to ever visit there or live there. Those
people may think the laws in your country are sick. So act mature and if you
like your meat well-done, allow the other to have their meat medium rare. You
do what you are allowed to do in your house and your country. But if you have
enough time and energy to write your thesis on world religions or regional
cultures, then by all means do your research. Take a lifetime to do it while we
have some peace from the drivel every time you need to be an expert on Islam
In conclusion
– we need to educate ourselves rather than comment blindly. We may even be
amazed that there may be a difference between culture and a religion and at
times the religion can be the culture.
If you are
going to comment on Quran, then please read it first and then ask someone
knowledgeable what you may not understand or any concerns of what you read.
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