Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Freedom of Cape Town

Dear  Alderman De Lille ...

I too seek the freedom of the city

so if you give it to him it will be a pity

was not his contribution to the city nil?

Perhaps you did not really notice

He continued a war never well liked

And with it we found the petrol price hiked

Of their many atrocities there are photos

Africa his land of birth he has forgotten

His memory is short reminds a roman poet

He has ignored Africa as if he does not know it

His record for this continent is truly rotten

So perhaps my own ancestry is lesser known

But there are books that document this all

My ancestors, their actions set in motion the ball

No doubt their contribution to the city can be shown

I therefore humbly ask you Alderman De Lille

To please reconsider the award to this man

Don’t do something just because you can

I believe my will is also the people’s will

He has forgotten Africa

My land and your land

I urge you to understand

His Love is only America

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Robbing others of Dignity

The world is sinking. Values gone out the door. It is one way traffic. We are warned to be careful of the one who wears the turban, the one sporting a beard and not forgetting the dreaded burqah. Yet we open ourselves to immorality, falsehood and Godlessness.

Back home in lovely South Africa, we wish to honour one who leads a nation into war upon war, one who who leads a nation to accept another country, one who leads a nation whose army has been guilty a gross human atrocities. The Mayor of Cape Town wishes to honour such a man.
This lovely nation at the tip of Africa finds it fit to revile its leader to become the laughing stock of the world using immoral means. How is it that we can laugh at such a vile act demeaning the character, whether that person be guilty or not, to place it on display. Where is our moral compass.
How easily we call for patriotism when supporting the national sports teams, yet how easily we demean each other, even a leader. How would you feel if it was your father or grandfather being demeaned, even with his shortcomings. How would you feel if your shortcomings were exposed - no pun intended. If you don't respect the man then respect his family for they don't have to be humiliated like this.

Neither honour, nor humiliate - take the middle path. Let's get on with it. Be responsible.

Those who freely copy such demeaning pictures - consider your own morality, those of your family and those around you. Children are exposed to newspapers, the Internet and other media - this is too much information for children - keep it clean.

We protest crime, yet we slander and defame and call it satire. We complain about robberies, yet we so easily rob others of their dignity. And we wish to also honour those guilty of such crimes.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Arab Spring - A Syria's issue

Once rule of law deviates from the laws of Allah Almighty, then inevitably the mercy of The Creator is removed from that ruler. The one who deviates from the laws of Allaah is an oppressor.

We find ourselves in a situation where rulers, because of their oppressive nature, have resulted to use much aggression against its own people. While the Arab spring is still young and the outcome yet to be assessed, it cannot justify the strong use of force by the governments.

We cannot support any form of oppression even though the opinion may show that the current situation on the ground is fuelled by those with their own middle eastern agendas. We have to condemn the brutality. While we to add a note of caution that the overthrow of any government will not necessarily mean the end of a nation’s problems, we urge the people to carefully consider the outcome and do as much to reduce the loss of life.

We have seen the happenings in Egypt and a year down the line, the struggle for power continues. Libya is far from being resolved with any form of election still a while off. The immediate focus though is Syria and we urge the Syrian people not to play into the hands of the enemy, the external enemy.

It is easy to say this must happen and that must happen, and this government must now be careful. Ultimately, the enemies are standing by to influence outcomes.

The mercy of Allah is with those who are oppressed – let them remember Allaah in their difficulty and in the victory which inshaAllaah will be soon.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Iran / Newt Gingrich

Iranian Sanctions

It is often that one’s view can be clouded by rhetoric and propaganda. This is rather relevant in the case of Iran. Without necessarily going into the detail of the propaganda, even it if it held any truth, the measures to deal with it must still be ethical and respectful. Sadly, the US and the EU have puffed up their chests in an apparent show of strength in taking action against Iran. Rather, this is a show of arrogance which no doubt starts to polarise the world. Other countries may “fall in line” for whatever fears of the US and EU they may have.  

South Africa should not be swayed in all of this. We have seen the wrong done when the US and its allies attacked Iraq without a semblance of evidence of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). This lends itself to declare the views on Iran and its potential for nuclear armaments as lacking credibility.

Let’s not yet place an embargo on Iran. Lets but their oil.

Newt Gingrich views on Shari’ah

The Democratic Party in the USA is considered liberal while the Republican Party more conservative. It is election year in the US and with Barak Obama being the Democratic incumbent, the Republicans are set to choose someone who will oppose him in the presidential election. Newt Gingrich is one the Republican contenders. Republicans are known for their strong conservative views on national security, and it therefore has slammed Barak Obama for being soft on the issue and that he has been lax since the last Republican president, George W Bush. So what about national security? Well the easy enemy to create are the Muslims. And so Newt has set about airing his concerns about Shari’ah. So what about Shari’ah? The simple reality is that he paints every Muslim who adheres to Shari’ah -Islamic Law – (and every Muslim should) as radical. This may either be an election plot or pure ignorance.

How would we know? Perhaps the last Republican president’s stance can give us some insight. We have seen what has happened over eight years of Republican rule. While Obama was not much better, can one imagine what lies in store should Newt Gingrinch be the next American president. Can we expect more wars and more profiling when entering America. Simply, will their very stance radicalise individuals?

Shari’ah teaches us that when in a foreign country we have to comply with the laws of that country. The best, when a Muslim feels his/her religion is threatened, is obviously to migrate to a Muslim country, but people, for whatever reason may end up living in non-Muslim countries like the USA. This does not mean that they should not uphold Shari’ah as far as possible including praying, fasting, dress-code, how they earn their income, etc. Muslims who live in America, a “free democracy”, should therefore have the right to lobby particular issues of relevance and present these as solutions to various levels of government and/or communities.

One cannot have one set of laws for a group of people who were once themselves immigrants from Europe and others for a newer set of immigrants who may hail from the East (or Middle East).

We have seen the scare mongering in South Africa during the 1980’s with the “rooi gevaar” (Red/communist danger) and even more racially labelled “swart gevaar” (the black danger). Why is it that one wants to sway a group of people to does one have to resort to exaggerate issues/dangers or, more accurately, create the danger that does not exist. Probably worse is that people fall for this hype and propaganda.

I don’t really care about the American elections, but the world is on the brink with the Iranian issue. Will a Republican president take us over the brink or will some sense prevail and make diplomacy victorious.

So help us God!