Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Ways to fight CRIME

This is not the first time I am writing about crime and it is unlikely to be the last time I write about it.
Recently, the area I live in and its surrounding neighbourhoods have lived under the fear of spiralling crime. The police (SAPS) and all the armed response units have been unable to track down the criminals or have been unable to keep the criminals behind bars. Much speculation exists about who the perpetrators are, their backgrounds and even to the extent of thoughts of a conspiracy. There may yet be some truth in what everyone thinks or says. Sadly, we have become weak such that we blame the government for everything and, in this case, a lack of attention to our problem. Rightly so, there should be no place for crime at any level and we should not tolerate this.
Every government is caught up in its own agenda and often that does not coincide with the wish and will of the people. Before getting carried away, the few thousand people that we are, we are really fairly insignificant in the bigger scheme of the entire population of this country whose needs are as much as ours or more. I wish to bring a little perspective to the problem rather than siding with government because it is the role of government to protect its citizens. There is no contradiction to what I am saying, rather I believe ultimately we will have to find solutions for ourselves.
The dilemma will be such that government will claim a lack of funds and we will hold tight onto our wallets lest they take more and we shout "corruption". Now that is an ugly word. If truth be told, every organisation is tainted by corruption. Why, even our own households might be tainted by it.
We don't need to form another organisation such that we are targeted ourselves by criticism but yet we have to be organised. Did I hear someone shout PAGAD or anyone thought of starting PACQ(man).
Perhaps on a different slant the solution to most of our problems, be it crime at any level, is simple.
The following steps need to be taken by me (yes as you read the word - each and everyone is "me")
1.               Clean up our own act - that pen you took from the office belongs to the office, your levels of productivity in the workplace, etc 

2.               Culture of honesty in the home - make it a priority to speak the truth and hear the truth. The value system is important lest our own homes become breeding grounds for criminals and corrupt officials and business people.

3.               Become selfless - care about the next person, your family members, neighbours and colleagues and even those you don't know

4.               Be God-conscious - a clean act involves knowing who is your Provider and Protector.

5.               Community structures - build strong community structures - networks, neighbourhood watches, etc

6.               Serve the community - in whichever way, be it the leader or the follower. March also if you wish but there is much to be done. Making a cross on the ballot paper is not community work.

7.               Stay vigilant - ok, don't be too nosy about the neighbours visitors but good neighbourly interaction will make it easier to spot unwanted "guests"

We will only start making a difference when we within ourselves make a difference and help the next one to achieve the same. When we are a strong community, the likelihood of the criminals claiming the freedom of our areas will not be possible.

We have to do more and the buck stops with every person in this community. When we become God-fearing then we will put the fear of God in the criminals.

Please, I too need this crime to stop. Let's help each other.


* The help of Allah is near but we need to turn to Him

** This is a test for us and we pray that the Almighty Allah grants us the strength and wisdom to pass this test

*** Let him who has no sin caste the first stone - let us be clean to cleanse and help our      community

**** Other communities are facing wars and famine,etc - We are facing crime - our should be easier to deal with - O Allah we turn to you in repentance and pray that we may overcome this scourge of crime.



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