The world is sinking. Values gone out the door. It is one way traffic. We are warned to be careful of the one who wears the turban, the one sporting a beard and not forgetting the dreaded burqah. Yet we open ourselves to immorality, falsehood and Godlessness.
Back home in lovely South Africa, we wish to honour one who leads a nation into war upon war, one who who leads a nation to accept another country, one who leads a nation whose army has been guilty a gross human atrocities. The Mayor of Cape Town wishes to honour such a man.
This lovely nation at the tip of Africa finds it fit to revile its leader to become the laughing stock of the world using immoral means. How is it that we can laugh at such a vile act demeaning the character, whether that person be guilty or not, to place it on display. Where is our moral compass.
How easily we call for patriotism when supporting the national sports teams, yet how easily we demean each other, even a leader. How would you feel if it was your father or grandfather being demeaned, even with his shortcomings. How would you feel if your shortcomings were exposed - no pun intended. If you don't respect the man then respect his family for they don't have to be humiliated like this.
Neither honour, nor humiliate - take the middle path. Let's get on with it. Be responsible.
Those who freely copy such demeaning pictures - consider your own morality, those of your family and those around you. Children are exposed to newspapers, the Internet and other media - this is too much information for children - keep it clean.
We protest crime, yet we slander and defame and call it satire. We complain about robberies, yet we so easily rob others of their dignity. And we wish to also honour those guilty of such crimes.