Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Arab Spring - A Syria's issue

Once rule of law deviates from the laws of Allah Almighty, then inevitably the mercy of The Creator is removed from that ruler. The one who deviates from the laws of Allaah is an oppressor.

We find ourselves in a situation where rulers, because of their oppressive nature, have resulted to use much aggression against its own people. While the Arab spring is still young and the outcome yet to be assessed, it cannot justify the strong use of force by the governments.

We cannot support any form of oppression even though the opinion may show that the current situation on the ground is fuelled by those with their own middle eastern agendas. We have to condemn the brutality. While we to add a note of caution that the overthrow of any government will not necessarily mean the end of a nation’s problems, we urge the people to carefully consider the outcome and do as much to reduce the loss of life.

We have seen the happenings in Egypt and a year down the line, the struggle for power continues. Libya is far from being resolved with any form of election still a while off. The immediate focus though is Syria and we urge the Syrian people not to play into the hands of the enemy, the external enemy.

It is easy to say this must happen and that must happen, and this government must now be careful. Ultimately, the enemies are standing by to influence outcomes.

The mercy of Allah is with those who are oppressed – let them remember Allaah in their difficulty and in the victory which inshaAllaah will be soon.